Transport Law

Transport Law

Our law firm has participated in major transport law projects that required complex analysis and negotiation, and an integrated and multidisciplinary approach.

Relevant Activities
Relevant Projects
  • Legal assistance in various authorization operations in the field of transport law – specific registrations or registrations of land or air transport, operating personnel authorizations, operating authorizations, etc.;
  • Advice provided in drafting a wide range of transport contracts – road, rail, air, both domestic and international;
  • Legal assistance provided in various contracts relating to land or air transport – purchases, rentals, financing arrangements, guarantees, provision of related services.
  • Legal assistance in complex transactions involving an international financial leasing contract for an aircraft, drafting of all relevant documents and guarantees and issuing of instruments as collateral, due diligence reports, verification of compliance with the requirements for operating an aircraft (aircraft operated under FAA registration – US Federal Aviation Administration);
  • Legal assistance in changing the registration from the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) to the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority (CAA);
  • Legal assistance in a complex international financing transaction concerning an aircraft, involving the subletting and operation of the aircraft by non-operating companies, as well as on the registration of such an aircraft in Romania, its inclusion in the AOC (Aircraft Operating Certificate) to allow its operation for commercial purposes and to supervise the process of obtaining an AOC by a Romanian company;
  • Legal assistance for the modification of an international financial leasing contract for an aircraft;
  • Legal assistance on a helicopter financial lease, including collateral and payment of collateral, due diligence reports, monitoring of helicopter transport and service work for the installation of additional equipment, deregistration of the helicopter from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and registration with the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority (CAA);
  • Legal assistance for the conclusion of contracts for transport, services and operations required for the operation of the aircraft by an experienced aircraft operator and AOC holder to use the aircraft not only for private flights but also for commercial flights;
  • Legal assistance in a complex international transaction generated by the user who activated the purchase option under an international finance lease, followed by the final import of the aircraft and the conclusion of an aircraft exchange contract with a foreign company of a different nationality. of the financier, such a transaction requiring the deregistration of the aircraft and its registration in another state;
  • Legal assistance regarding a complex international financial leasing transaction involving an aircraft, drafting all relevant documents (ie guarantees and issuing payment instruments as collateral, due diligence reports) and registration of the aircraft in Romania;
  • Legal assistance for a complex international financial leasing transaction involving an aircraft, drafting all relevant documents (ie guarantees and issuing payment instruments as collateral, due diligence reports), as well as regarding the registration of the aircraft in Romania, inclusion of the aircraft in the AOC- (Aircraft Operating Certificate) of the user in order to be used for commercial purposes and to supervise the process of obtaining the AOC by the user.
  • Legal assistance regarding the termination of an international lease, the repossession of the aircraft, the deregistration of the aircraft from the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the export procedures for registration with the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA);
  • Legal assistance regarding a complex international transaction by which a Romanian company guaranteed the execution of the obligations assumed by a foreign company under an international financial leasing contract for an aircraft.


Contact us at:

+40 31 405 43 04
   +40 21 312 55 13


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+40 31 405 43 04    +40 21 312 55 13